Melanie Miller for Ohio House

In government today the only way to make a real difference is by taking the issues facing us on with a headfirst and innovative approach. These issues do not stay the same, but are constantly changing which is why the person representing the 67th House District must be a leader for our conservative values.
As Executive Director of the Ashland Pregnancy Care Center, I have built meaningful relationships with members of our community and state for nearly 20 years, and these relationships will be critical as we tackle the challenges facing Ashland & Medina counties and the great State of Ohio. The only way we will grow and prosper in the coming years is if our State Representatives fearlessly stay true to our conservative principles at every turn.
So take a look around my website, and make sure you click on Guiding Principles. There you will be able to read more about what I intend to fight for in Columbus as your next State Representative.
With your support on August 2nd, I will have the opportunity to work for you and with you!
Melanie Miller