Guiding Principles

Connect with Melanie

We’re in this together!

No campaign can be successful without the help of a lot of volunteers, and as we get closer to Election Day, would you be willing to display a sign in your yard, or write a letter to the editor telling others why you support my candidacy? Would you be willing to go door-to-door on your street, or even making phone calls? I would be honored to have you on our team!

If you have any questions for me, I can be reached at



Guiding Principles

YOU deserve to know the simple principles that will guide me as
I represent you at the Ohio Statehouse.



I believe in the sanctity of every human life—from the time of conception until natural death. I am pro-life without exceptions. I have spent my entire adult life helping people of all ages realize their priceless value, and I believe God has a special purpose for every person’s life. Therefore, I will always stand up and defend both the born and the unborn.



The freedom that we cherish here in America and in Ohio is not a gift from our government, it is a gift from God. Whether it is freedom from an oppressive and intrusive government, or freedom from excessive taxation and burdensome regulations, I will always fight to protect our freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and our right to bear arms. 



In order for our children to reach their God-given potential, every child must have access to a quality education. Our schools must have the resources necessary to make sure that our young people are ready for the jobs of both today and tomorrow.

I will never support any kind of teaching that tells a child that their value is diminished because of the color of their skin or because of their upbringing. And I will always support our parents’ right to have a say in what our children are being taught.



I will continually work to create a pro-business environment in the State of Ohio and across our communities because strong businesses create good jobs. Good jobs bring purpose to our people's lives.  Our small businesses and our agricultural industry here in Ashland & Medina County are the backbone of our local economy. 



If we want to create lasting prosperity, then we must work to reclaim our culture by strengthening our families. We must protect traditional values such as personal responsibility, decency, honor and integrity.